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Old 2012-03-26, 01:17   Link #2528
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Japan left with one nuclear reactor after shutdown

Well, well, well...
According to the link, Japan has only one functional nuclear plant remaining after protests prevented the restarting of the Niiagata plant.

If the Hokkaido Plant gets shut down by protest in May, Japan might become nuclear free through brute public pressure.

Who knows if this sticks, but I certainly wasn't expecting this. I guess in the end no plant can operate without local citizen approval, I just don't expect this to happen to ALL of them.

Best of luck to them. I personally think this is going hysterical, but I understand that everyone has the right to defend themselves from what they view as threats. The transition to renewables might happen in Japan first ahead of everyone else. And all because they are now running out of options.
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