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Old 2012-03-28, 00:08   Link #618
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Originally Posted by AnimeFan188 View Post
"Security experts testifying to the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee said the
penetration was likely so complete that attempts to curb it should stop.

Instead, cyberdefence should be about protecting data not controlling access.

The experts said the US should look into ways to retaliate against nations that
had access to its networks."



Has the ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’ already happened?:

"The Russians are picking our pockets, the Chinese are stealing our most vital
secrets, and there’s nothing we can do about it – and it’s all going to get worse.

That was the basic conclusion after Friday’s Air Force Association cyber-
conference, where speaker after speaker drove home the utter futility and
helplessness of today’s cyber climate, all the while warning that the problem will
only grow.

Richard Bejtlich, chief security officer for the info-security firm Mandiant, said 100
percent of the high-profile intrusions his company tracks were done with “valid
credentials” – meaning the cyber bad-guys had been able to steal a real user’s
login and password, obviating the need for more complex attacks."

"The much-feared “Cyber Pearl Harbor” has already happened, he said. Global
cyber crime is more profitable than the drug trade. America’s onetime
technological advantage is gone; much of its intellectual property secrets have
been stolen.

“People just haven’t realized it yet,” the questioner said."

Quit connecting important shit to the *public* Internet? Over and over again, companies and the government connect shit to the Internet they *never should have* either through laziness or in response to hamstrung budgets. So here we are... duh?
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