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Old 2012-04-02, 07:17   Link #88
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by fazri View Post
can i ask few thing?
can campione die?
who could kill campione?
is someone kill campione did he or she get the power that he or she kill?
after someone become campione their life span become really long right!?
1&2. Yes they can die, but its very hard to kill one. Most seem to possess some form of either invulnerability or reincarnation, depending on which god they usurped their powers from. Godou for instance could probably be taken down by a vanilla mortal if they shot him in the back and burned his body before he could reincarnate. Salvatore on the other hand is invincible(its one of his powers), so he can't be injured unless he either shuts off his protection of steel himself or it gets sealed somehow, which is how Godou managed to injure him before the start of the story.
3. Dunno, I don't think its happened before.
4. Yup, its an innate trait of all campione. They can live forever from the looks of it, assuming they don't get killed in battle with a heretic god(which isn't unlikely).
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