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Old 2012-04-03, 00:04   Link #365
Rewrite of the Life
Join Date: May 2003
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Age: 37
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Originally Posted by Archon_Wing View Post
PA works character designs I felt were great. No matter what I felt about their shows, they were one of the best parts of the series. AB! was no exception. True Tears designs blow most stuff out of the water if it comes to moe.

And remember that Kyoani didn't always have the best designs for Key stuffs. Air wasn't very good, and Kanon got better, and finally got it right in Clannad. Toei-Air actually had better designs I felt, and Toei-Clannad might have been better off as 2 movies and not having the JJ Abrams obsession with lens flare.

Yes Toei-Kanon (aka Kanon 1982) wasn't very good, but their key adaptations don't deserve all the flack they get. And Key's original designs save for LB! weren't very good to begin with. Na-ga's work is just plan better.
I do like their designs but not in Angel beats. I also did not like what they did with Another's designs compared to the manga art. But that is just me.

I really loved all of Kyo-Ani's designs and how they transitioned. I did not find flaws with them.

I would say Clannad had the best design IMO. I do love Na-Ga's work in LB! too. I would say the best style of Itaru's work would be in Clannad The detail in the hair and the rough edges that look hand drawn seemed to turn vector in LB. I like both Itaru and Na-Ga I wouldn't call one style better than the other. They both have different styles that set themselves apart from other art.

I just want to see some justice in art transition in LB! as well as a great staff
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