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Old 2012-04-03, 01:13   Link #366
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Singapore
Age: 32
According to Baba
he said the producers have been under tremendous pressure since they are aware of the high expectation of the fans.
Meaning that really the chances for it to be Kyoani is low judging from that comment. I think Key gave the go ahead to a new production company which I think might not even be P.A works too.

Since its a new production company working with Key, They hance feel "tremendous pressure" Since well out of all the series, they took Little Busters! in which in my opinion IS the hardest one to adapt! Why on earth did Key would take that risk Im not so sure.

It might still be Kyoani in some way since well maybe they are worried that they might not reproduce the same quality as they succesfully did with Clannad, Air and Kanon.

Im just assuming, but please ill be worried if its a new production in charge, who knows who the team/staff will be in charge. At least with Kyoani, they worked with Key, they know whats it like since they did 3 adaptation. So By far they should be the ones to do it. Of course there would be pressure, but not as much if its a NEW production studio...

Ill be so ecstatic to see Ishihara Tatsuya and his team in charge like the good old days of Air, kanon and Clannad.
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