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Old 2012-04-03, 19:53   Link #202
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
^ Shambles and Mes
Containing the heart is a important thing. Smoker is a Logia. If that heart is set free or Law looses focus Smoker has a chance to change his heart back to smoke and bring it back in. Law used two different methods. This is not shambles. If shambles was used on the heart it should make no difference at all. Is the Heart more fragile then the rest of the body part? Yes, but it still does not mean it is the exception ,once shamble is used on any part of the body the affects mean the part can operate while still being separate. You are trying to compare the heart in Laws hands to the body parts flying around as if they were used by the same technique. Law used shamble on all of them but for Smoker heart he used Mes. For your theory to be right Law would have to use shambles on the heart.

Second if Law used shambles instead of Mes he would have had no affect on Smoker. But lets say he did use it on Smoker and was successful. What is to stop smoker from turning his body parts into smoke and reforming himself?

Last edited by grey_1960; 2012-04-03 at 20:19.
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