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Old 2012-04-04, 14:47   Link #2207
I play guitar and stuff
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: United Kingdom
Age: 28
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Originally Posted by trenton_dawn View Post
Pure Pure Heart is a song that relies heavily on your keyboardist being able to play the piano part, which is why I didn't initially suggest it. Still, if they can do it, the other parts aren't overly difficult. S332666460, about how much experience do each of your members have? That would make it easier to give suggestions. Also I can't keep typing that username so I'm just gonna call you "telephone" since your name looks like a telephone number..

Honestly, everything I've read about tube amps suggests that they are more fragile and require much more maintenance than solid state...that's part of the reason I went with solid state (although I didn't get a modeling amp). I found this article to be a pretty helpful resource.
Yeah, you're right, but the problem with my amp at the moment is that I can't actually diagnose the problem with it all being digital. It's totally random. It's been fine today, but tomorrow, it might start locking up and acting funky again.

I'd also like a tube amp because they sound REALLY good. This is one I've been looking at:

My friend has the combo version and it sounds absolutely awesome. We'll see in the future though.

Sorry for derailing the thread lol
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