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Old 2012-04-07, 04:36   Link #2884
Mr Hat and Clogs
Did someone call a doctor
Join Date: Apr 2007
Age: 41
I dunno where this craze came for calling games art. Is it to con governments into giving grants because they call it art? Art is something to be observed from the outside, not something you interact with. The moment you interact with something it ceases being art and becomes entertainment. Games are interactive entertainment, that doesn't mean that they can't be creative, fun, have a rich story or be controversial. But they should make sense, they need cohesion and direction and lastly they should provide enough closure so those that don't want to purchase DLCs can feel satisfied.

That video, is hilarious.

Side note, having played some more with Jarik I really do not see how they could justify him as a DLC like they did. Also, does Liara have a penchant to charge into the middle of a group of bad guys like Braveheart with a death wish and get herself killed for anyone else? I've been using Garrus and Javik more now, but I'd like to see Liara's interactions with him. How do you guys find EDI, she seems like a more sensible Liara at this point, but more focused on synthetics/electronics.
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