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Old 2012-04-07, 04:45   Link #488
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
In this case? Yes, yes I think they are better than all the three you've listed though I never came across White Wolf before, and I don't think Froniter Works had worked on anything outside of outsourcing, and PA Works ... they might be a good pick, but again, they have their own plans for the future and time isn't working in favor of a LB! adaption.
Except that White Fox, one of their 2 adaptations basically bested any of what JC staff did: Steins;Gate.
SG, despite being an humongous series could still be adapted in 24 episodes, even with an average budget. If we add Rewrite OP, they basically prove they have no issue with the design either, and potentially can deal well with action, which you have a plenty in LB with just the battle system.
Their other adaptation, Tears to Tiara, was decent despite the source material was sort of convulated to begin with, and they manage to squeeze a clean and cut production, despite being new in the industry.

Speaking of which, I fear the worst with the battle system, considering these gimmicks are hardly JC staff worries.
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