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Old 2012-04-11, 23:40   Link #362
The Lost Child
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: neverland? where ever that is..
Originally Posted by n0m@n View Post
I pick by beauty and age. That's my style now.
The more beautiful the better. The younger the better. Woman is better.
But I use point system which includes age, gender, appearance and personality(moe) to judge them and give points. Then the one with the highest overalll score is the one I will pick

It seems like Claire has the prettiest face even though she has flat breast.
But Ellis definitely has the best body.
But Est would have the best personality/moe.
Hmm so how would you guys rank the girls then if you include the 3 categories I mentioned just now?
Est.. hands down.. she'd be more fun 2 be around ^^

Originally Posted by blitz1/2 View Post
So. practically all of us are like Kotomine Kirei? xD

(begins to chuckle in a dark manner)

why do u say tht?

Originally Posted by darthfanta View Post
One more category: cooking. Rinslet has the standard of a professional chef despite being an ojou. Funny enough, it was her maid who was horrible as a chef, and their relationship subverts. It was Rinslet who cooks and looks after her maid because she's clumsy. Ellis is a fine cook herself, although her dishes are less fancy and elaborate than Rinslet's-- much family-oriented. Est never cooked. As for Claire and Fianna, they are both lethal chefs. Funny enough, in volume two, there was this cooking competition between Fianna and Claire. Claire's food looked like charcoal, whilst Fianna's looked delicious. Est and Kamito instantly declared Fianna the winner base upon appearance. Disgrunted, Claire had a taste of Fianna's food and she almost died. What's even more hilarious was the fact that before the competition, Fianna mentioned that she used to cook for spirits as a miko and sends them home happy--'happily asleep' as she latter added.
what is this?

she doesnt even need 2 fight anymore!
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