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Old 2012-04-12, 18:56   Link #215
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Belgium
Age: 31
Watched the whole anime today, after a friend recommended it to me. I actually liked it a lot, but i had several Code Geass moments.

Well, i said i liked it a lot, but believe me or not, the overall score i give it goes down just because of that epilogue. For some reason i'm just detested by the fact he went blind. I saw the mechanical arm coming, after everyones Void was getting "sucked up", but i did not see a single reason for the blindness. Even after reading this whole thread, and rewatching the final moments, i can just not find a reason how he should have gone blind. I wold have been perfectly happy without the epilogue tbh, leaving the ending open as to wether Shu survived or not. But now he's just a crippled, blind loner (sorry for the bluntness).

The fact that the ex-president survived at the end annoyed me aswell.

Last edited by Klashikari; 2012-04-13 at 06:11.
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