Thread: Photographs
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Old 2012-04-17, 16:29   Link #603
Join Date: Mar 2008
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
I've seen and followed quite a few, but never did one, myself. I think it would feel like a real accomplishment at the end of it, but I don't see the point to doing it for myself. Photography is a fun thing for me; if I forced myself to do it every day, it would come to feel like a stressful chore. Most shots would probably start to look the same and uninspired. The "one a week" projects seem more feasible, but even then you're still forcing yourself. Let the creativity flow on its own, I say
For the most part I actually agree with you on this one. I'm quite mindful of the fact that it wouldn't be a minor miracle if I get to the end of the project, it would be a major one. One thing I've already decided is that if this project is about to take the fun out of photography I'll just stop.

Though recent experiences have shown me that when needed I can get down and dirty and dig up at least some degree of inspiration out of quite deep gutters. So I'm not going to give up easily. Every once in a while it's good to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and see what happens. I have so far paid little attention to the small interesting tidbits of photo ops around me. To me the process has always been that I go out with something specific in mind, be that place, theme or what ever. Always with a plan of some sort. So what makes this experiment quite interesting is the fact that it's something that's quite alien to my usual methods. Sort of throwing myself at the mercy of the elements.

And even as I'm only starting my second week I'm feeling that there's a change in the way I observe my surroundings. I'm seeing just a little bit more, simply because I'm looking. And even though there's a moderate amount of pressure to come up with something, the minute you find it, it's pretty much an instant reward. So I believe that if I manage to muddle through somehow, this will change the way I look at photography, for the better.

I did something similar about a year ago actually though in a completely different field. I compiled about 1+ hour long playlists on Spotify and published them weekly. It was surprisingly difficult given that I wanted each one of them to have some kind of theme or common nominator. In the end a bit less than a half of these playlists ended up being just albums that I picked but there was a challenge in that as well, not just quite as big one. I managed a year of that even though I hadn't set any specific goal as to how long I'd keep it up. And what I was left with was 52+ Spotify playlists, some of which were quite interesting and representing quite a varied field of musical genres.

But as I said, if it begins to feel like work more than a hobby, I'll rather cut my losses with the project rather than have fun removed from the equation.

Originally Posted by thevil1 View Post
I'm no artist, but I've taken quite a few photos in my travels, most of which I've never gotten around to sorting and uploading to my web albums, but check out what I have. I usually take more video footage than pics since I tend to do more vlogging, but if I see a photo opportunity, I'll take it.

This one is still my favorite. 30 sec exposure, 12:00am from my friends rooftop in the Judaein Desert. He's really in the middle of nowhere.
Click this if you want it smaller
Spoiler for Very LARGE Night shot:
Skimmed through your albums. I do have to say deserts do make for fantastic subjects for photos. I still hold that Mojave desert is the most beautiful place I've ever visited. Long exposure shots are quite nice as well. Nice job considering the equipment.

Though I you don't mind I'd drop one piece of constructive criticism. Watch those horizons they're crooked in quite a few of your photos and frankly not enough for it to seem intentional. It's a relatively easy fix so I'll sacrifice a bit of image area and fix them. Well, that's probably something that bothers me more than most anyway.
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