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Old 2012-04-18, 09:56   Link #22
Midnight Commander
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Command center, the ship's bridge
I really enjoyed this chapter, it was nice to see certain old prominent faces that really shaped this manga from the beginning. The scene with Danzou sitting and his root ninja at his side was very badass. Orochimaru's demenor was as sinister as ever, and I guess we know his "threat" to take the orphan's children wasn't just a threat --he'll glady be taking them regardless. Orochimaru's entrance from the water was actually pretty brilliant: It shows Kabuto's face as he has trouble with his identity, and slowly his face's reflection starts exhibiting Oro's features starting with the eyes; pretty symbolic. It will be quite nice to see that scene animated, with some appropriate music. I also think Orochimaru being in root is interesting, because he doesn't seem to be emotionless like the others, just heartless. I wonder if root conditioning is partly why he is so ruthless, that is, if they even had to bother to nulify his emotions?

Looking at Danzou's conversation with Nonou, it seems as if he has just used genjitsu on her by the way he seems to have clutched his eye --and her sudden acceptance of their proposal. Perhaps it took alot out of him early on, as he probably wasn't as used to it back then; in the summit it he was perfectly composed.
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