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Old 2012-04-23, 17:36   Link #120
Mi Corazon
Join Date: Mar 2012
Originally Posted by ZetaAEUG View Post
The thing is, Mikono has never said that she loves Amata. She is always the one who's being pursued by both Kagura and Amata but hasn't sorted out her emotions and feelings yet. The only thing that shows that mikono has some sort of feelings for amata is the moments when she gets jealous and angry at him, but that just shows distrust in my opinion.

I'd say that Amata's feelings for her are actually infatuation and it's mostly one sided, same for kagura however it seems like mikono has more chemistry with kagura since her pet reflects her actual feelings.

Well if you take Shu Shu's dislike of Amata into account I think it's more like he dislikes the side of Amata who isn't manly enough and the side that doesn't show enough guts to step up (kind of like a dog when you first introduce it your friends and family). I mean I've only seen Shu Shu react aggressively or rather protective of Mikono during the scenes where you'd think Amata is thinking (should I or should I not). The other times when he's apologised, or saving mikono or is in total gattai mode shu shu is actually quite tamed or doesn't even leave mikono's hair bun. Oh and personally I dont think he is comparing Mikono to his mother, I don't think he was from the start (well maybe subconsciously) I mean if he was do you honestly believe he would be seeing her as Sylvia now? Shouldn't he be seeing her as his mother? o.O

AND why do you reckon she has more chemistry with Kagura? (besides the fact he's so damn sexy!!) she has as much chemistry with Amata (even more!...don't get me started on those). I was getting a bit concerned with alot of people saying that Mikono doesn't love Amata as much as Zessica does (uh well you dont have to yell out to the whole world that you love the person...and it wouldn't be in Mikono's character to do something like that). Amata and Mikono's love is MUTUAL...they already blushing, stuttering, being all shy, holding hands etc..Even when she was with Kagura she was happy to see Amata had come to rescue her...Amata and Mikono just haven't confessed their feelings (then again neither did Sylvia or Apollo unless you call sharing a kiss a confession...which is cute but down right sneaky lol) oh and AMATA's love isn't infatuation...he fell in love with the girl at FIRST SIGHT!!!(when she was ballin her eyes out during the skies of aquaria movie!!)...he's fighting to be with her, protecting her, loving her even when she's thinking of another guy, even when another more sexier much more interesting girl confessed to him, even when he's indecisive about the whole destiny crap HE'S STILL LOVING HER...If Amata would have given up on Mikono after Zessica's confession then I would call what he had for Mikono infatuation...but he hasn't and I dont think he's going too either. There was someone on this forum that summed up what LOVE is pretty damn good...but this post is long enough already XD
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