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Old 2012-04-28, 07:40   Link #3205
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Originally Posted by SonicSP View Post
Its also a big problem for Gundam in general in Japan and would in part explain why getting get kids to stick with Gundam than before is harder (which led to them to trying AGE in the 1st place). Unfortunately, considering war and science are two big elements of the Gundam series, Bandai's next attempt on the younger audience (and there will be one if they want to survive as they are in the long term) might have to deviate further from this elements.

What I'm curious about is how they are going to balance this attempt of trying to bring in newer younger audiences with different tastes without alienating the older and different Gundam audiences and diluting existing brand equity with them as more and more attempts are made.
I want to say that it's doable, but will be very hard ... but the reality is that it might as will be impossible at this point , if the reaction to AGE, 00 and SeeD had shown us in the last decade.

The only fandom that Bandai can count on for reaching thoroughly is the older, more established UC fandom when it comes to Gundam, and if they want to target a younger audience as you said in order to make sure the franchise survives (which is really common sense) that would insure that a large segment of that fandom isn't going to support it, effectively removing one of the central pillars for the show's success before it even gets off the ground. Factor in all the other fandoms, and you might have a handful of people of older Gundam fans from past shows willing to support the new one.

That's not even coming across the issue that you pointed out: the next show is going to have to be drastically different from what Gundam shows had traditionally been in the past, deviating away from the focus on war (which will have every Gundam fanatic up in arms and calling for the executioner) in order to attract the sort of young demographic that Bandai needs at this point ... and you have a show that not only has no support from the fanbase, but sometimes even active hatred and scorn, leaving it on it's own to try and be successful in an already tough environment.

I think the only realistic option at this point is for the next Gundam series to stop trying to appease both the older fans and draw in new ones, since if AGE had shown us anything, trying to do both things at once is going to please on one. Really, the next Gundam series needs to be closer to what G Gundam had tried to do, a completely new take on the idea that will draw in kids, all the hate be damned.

Originally Posted by SonicSP View Post
AGE seems to be more of a fair balance between the two but either because of premise or lack of quality is not doing well with either. Bandai's got tough task ahead and hopefully AGE can provide them with data that can help their future efforts.
I doubt it's the lack of quality so much the premise it self and trying to draw in two different demographics into the show. I do hope that the next Gundam show will do better, even if at this point I want to side with GN0010 Nosferatu and say that it's not the end yet for this one since my heart wants AGE to go on for it's full intended run, but at the same time me head is telling me differently ...

Regardless, the info they have from AGE will help them greatly in the future. Gundam isn't dead yet and I'm sure the Bandai Builder over at their office is cooking up something for the future. Hopefully it'll be more focused on what it tries to do.
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