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Old 2012-04-29, 18:33   Link #8351
Tenchi Hou Take
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by Tempest35 View Post
I think for simplicity's sake, if multiple girls want the same guy, they classify it as 'harem' since he can 'pick any girl' and still get some

But I'm actually really eager to see just how Zen's SC 'operates'. 'Naze' is obviously fond of him (non-romantic wise - she knows that Medaka's got a claim on him), and it seems that Wani respects Zen enough on her own but she's really doing it to get into Akune's pants... I think she was serious in having him as a 'husband'.
Emukae = friendized in the worst way.
He talks like that to Shiranui too ("I love you Shiranui!" "YEAH! I love me too!") but Shiranui knows he's not really serious so it fits with their dynamic. For poor Emukae...She's too sweet on Zen to be mad at him for that.

And for this new girl, Torai, she seems the dominating type but if her interaction with Zen is on-point, she wants to be dominated herself. By Zen.

This guy...
The dude does not give a shit, this seems to have enhanced even more since he became president, the most shit he's ever given was in regards to Medaka, outside of that nope. It's most probably why he assembled that council in the first place because their girls and interesting to hang around.

Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
In all seriousness (putting aside the whole harem thing for just a moment) I really want to see how far Zen's group can go. The best part about Zen is his ability to "power-up" his friends when he is present. Add that to the fact that out of all the battles in the series, Zen was part of some of the best and's should be safe to assume that this arc will be entertaining (as opposed to my...bitching...a few chapters back on how it would be boring since Zen wasn't there).
Pretty much typically when Zen fights shit hits the fan, it doesn't really happen much with other characters because they typically have pretty ridiculous abilities and there's either or a powerup or general trolling involved. Because Zen's match's are typically david verse goliath and you know he won't get an ass pull powerup there's generally more tension. Add in to the fact he's generally one of the fighters who uses his brain more and certain instances like the fact he practically set up a plan that involved a double sucide involving himand Kumagawa, and you have generally the most interesting fights this manga has.
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