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Old 2012-04-30, 12:13   Link #8412
Sol Falling
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Age: 35
Heh. I dunno why people are already making assumptions about some sort of "formula" (shounen battling, chasing after the Jokers, etc.) anyway. Would Zenkichi's team taking down the suitors one by one while chasing after Medaka be interesting? I don't think so.

Rather, if you look at Nienami Namanie's dialogue "I am the suitor in charge of [Cutting]", I am seeing two suggestions: one, that the suitors are all working together; and two, that they each have specific roles. Moreso than merely "Cutting", Namanie appears to have been specifically left on the aircraft carrier to guard against stragglers and anticipate a search party's arrival. Under the assumption that at least on some level the Jokers are being confined and kept from contacting the outside world intentionally (given the lack of communication), it also seems obvious to me that several of the suitors should probably be at work securing the present location of the Jokers. Lastly I imagine at least one or two of the suitors directly engaging the Jokers in some form of negotiation (explaining why the Jokers have not forcefully broken their way out).

Kumagawa stated the previous chapter: Medaka's team has obtained their 6 wins, there is no reason for them to entertain the Black Wedding Feast any longer. Any strategem the real suitors must have devised probably involves both some measure of force (keeping Medaka's team there, and even isolated) and some measure of diplomacy. That Namanie was waiting for Zenkichi's team clearly implies that the suitors don't want any interference.

At this point, only two major questions are at the forefront: 1. what are the suitors really after? And 2. what is the true nature of the Kurokami (and related) family?

On Zenkichi's side, the central pivot for new development is actually precisely the nature of Torai, and how the Student Council has adapted with the advent of the new Flask Plan.

Zenkichi's team's role/perspective right now is similar to the audience's in that his principle objective is to unravel these mysteries and obtain that information. But the suitor team themselves, currently must primarily have their hands tied dealing with the Joker team, instead of engaging in minor skirmishes with Zenkichi. There are no major suggestions that this coming arc must have a formulaic, "one opponent at a time" shounen structure. Rather, I find it highly unlikely that all of the suitors "roles" will even be battle-oriented.

What I'm thinking is that this arc will develop like a suspense thriller, with Zenkichi's team acquiring clues/making inferences while the suitor team tries to delay them while in a race against time towards their real objective. Accordingly, fighting/defeating enemies will not be a central focus.
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