Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (movie & TV)
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Old 2012-05-01, 16:04   Link #367
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
These shock cannons certainly are interesting. I notice that both the main and sub turrets are about a size larger than the guns on the historical Yamato. Probably sized up along with the ship when they scaled it up for this series.

The shock cannons are interesting. They can switch from firing beams or shell ammunition? Was that a feature from the original series? What's the tactical advantage of each of these? I suppose the beams could be faster than the shells, giving them longer range for stand off duels, while Fuision shells would have more firepower for close in engagements.

Automatic fire sounds rather intimidating, though somehow I can't quite see them firing off the main turrets like machine guns.
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