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Old 2012-05-01, 23:20   Link #25
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by RRW View Post
i am guessing next step is to put new tag on message option
I have an idea about how to do this, but I'm not sure whether it's worth doing now or after the upgrade. I was thinking of replacing the current spoiler button with a new button that asks you what sort of content will be within the tags and then automatically uses the right tag for the situation. I'm not sure exactly how to best integrate such a thing into vBulletin code, but it should be doable in concept... Anyway, it's on the To Do List, for sure.

Originally Posted by blaze0041 View Post
Quick question, are there plans to include additions to toggle "auto-open tags" for individual tags?
I think this could get pretty complicated pretty quick. I mean, in a simplistic world, you might say someone could choose to have spoiler tags auto-open if they really don't care about spoilers and want to see them. But reality is that people may want to see spoilers for one show and not for others, so having it auto-open globally may not really be what they want. Same thing with the images tag; someone may want large images to open automatically in images threads, but not in other threads. Or maybe someone might want images to auto-open on their desktop/laptop, but not on their mobile phone or something. So I guess it'd have to be thought through, and the implementation would have to be really clear/understandable, otherwise I wonder if people just won't use it (thus it'd be pointless to do all the work).
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