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Old 2012-05-08, 16:49   Link #647
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 43
Sales only indicate one thing. That it was popular and marketed well if it sold high. If you spend too much time reading into sales and let them dictate/control what you watch or how you feel about anime, you are doomed to misery because the opinions of others are something you can't control and will always be bewildered by. Personally, the shows I like this season aren't even pushing 500 pre-orders yet. Think I care? No. It's not going to stop me from liking what I like. Remember, it does require a certain amount of fanaticism and ego to buy the product at its heavily inflated (but out of necessity) price.

Still need reasons? Pre-existing fanbases, fanaticism for the sake of ego and style. Don't think deeply about it, there are far better things one can do with their time.
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