Thread: Licensed The Breaker
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Old 2012-05-11, 19:39   Link #2066
Join Date: Apr 2012
I think some of you are being a little harsh on Shioon. One of his greatest weakness in his character is his quick trust of people. It would be bluntly out of character for him not to trust the doctor especially since the doctor hasn't done anything bad to Shioon and has been rather helpful. Take note that Shioon was willing to trust Sera when she threatened to kill him so yeah........ either way it's pretty much impossible that Shioon will actually die but I think this event is meant to further the plot and provide character development to Shioon.

Also expecting Shioon to get strong so quickly is rather unrealistic, you guys do realize that right? Most masters train for years and still are weak. I certainly hope you guys aren't hoping for a asspull because those just suck.

And a least look on the bright side. Shioon wasn't being a pussy about being kidnapped unlike most people. That at least shows character development on his part.

Originally Posted by Xaturas View Post
Kinda considering that Kenichi is still piece of shit in his world after 472 chapters.

Anyway it would be nice to get rid of that masochist hero.
If Shion won't go berserk next 4-5 chapters I may consider dropping this series.
There just so much shit you can take at face value, before you start hitting your head against wall.
What are you talking about? Kenichi is already high tier for a dicisple. He isn't shit at all compared to his fellow peers. Certainly compared to masters he's useless but most masters trained their entire life. HSDK is meant to be a more realistic take on martial arts (granted it's still over the top). Expecting Kenechi to get strong that fast beats the point.

Shioon is already getting berserk after hearing his mom die. What do you expect some deus ex machina power up? Sorry but those don't generally make a good story. Look at Bleach for a perfect example of how deus ex machina (among other things) ruined a good story.
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