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Old 2012-05-12, 13:54   Link #192
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Join Date: Dec 2008
We're all judging based on appearances here, but...while he is clearly designed to be a villain, Shin doesn't strike me as the Schneizel-type. In fact...with those finger claws (or whatever they are) I'd expect him to be more ruthless, less calm and collected. Schneizel didn't really get his hands dirty...well, aside from shooting Diethard after becoming Zero's slave. But most of the time, he simply manipulated people from behind the scenes and never got too involved.

To me, Shin looks like he would be willing to get into a mecha or, quite literally, cross swords with Akito. Who, as said before, is probably his half-brother or something.

Just as well, Jean doesn't really make me think of Cornelia. If anything, I'd rather compare her to early season one Villetta (when she was basically Jeremiah's assistant, at least for a short while) in terms of design/role, but that still says nothing about what her attitude will be. Her expression seems more stern or even blank.
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