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Old 2012-05-18, 21:00   Link #8314
The Mage of Four Hearts
Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Qilin View Post
Huh. I really didn't want to get into this argument again, but oh well.

I think of it as a case of cultural relativity where ST holds radically different values from FT. FT values their "nakama" first and foremost. On the other hand, ST only values strength. If we assume that all their actions were done with this goal in mind, it's understandable that they wouldn't pay attention to "petty" considerations like the welfare of their weaker guild members. Now, if we view the incident from the lens of such a philosophy, it can be interpreted as a warning for anyone who might fail the guild in the future.

Remember, an act is only malicious if a person engages in it out of ill will for another person. If the action is performed with a pragmatic rationale in mind, it would be better classified as extremism.
Like I said, if he had only kicked her out, I would agree with you. However, making her strip naked was completely unnecessary. Simply kicking her out is enough of a warning to the others.

There was no reason to embarrass and demean her like that, other than he wanted to embarrass and demean her

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