Thread: Licensed Sankarea (TV)
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Old 2012-05-26, 01:34   Link #672
The Chaotic Dreamer
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: In a cruel yet beautiful world
Age: 32
It's natural for some people to be feeling as they do. Rea is happy for the time being. If a character becomes happy, it's due to a lack of conflict, and conflict is what makes stories intriguing. The conflict that was present when she was alive was at that of a much higher level than anything that's going on right now, so I can understand why she seems less interesting now to some. The anime won't be getting too far into things with there being such a tiny amount of episodes left, but I can assure you that things got a lot more interesting later on in the manga -- the new conflict is even more engaging than the initial conflict, imo.

And I agree that Rea's dad was certainly not a character I missed...
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