Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Space Battleship Yamato 2199 (movie & TV)
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Old 2012-05-27, 02:45   Link #455
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2006
Yep. My butt hurts right now. And not in a good way. If such a thing exists... XD

My options are either buying a muti-zone Blu-Ray player and get the BR with subs or buying the unsubbed DVD, wich is the same zone as Europe, and settle for SD quality video wich i will only half understand. Third option is, of course, to wait that the HD episodes leak on line and get those. And they wonder why file sharing is so popular... (sarcasm much?!). I never understood the reason for these stupid zone divisions. Sure, at a time in wich DVDs were published in the US before the movies themselves got to the theatres worldwide, i could sort of understand. But these days, movies are released (most times) in a worldwide basis (The Avengers and Battleship actually premiered here weeks before they did in the US) so i don't see the need for the bloody divisions. One more case of the industry shooting itself in the foot.
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