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Old 2012-06-03, 17:17   Link #72
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post

Well, as we know right now, the Vagans have control of 40% of the planet's surface, and we saw during the initial battles that they're using colonization tactics; freely attacking civilians. Earth is no longer a safe place for a Federation citizen to be. On top of that, evacuating cities into other cities will cause plenty of logistic problems, putting strain on supplies. And if these cities get attacked by the Vagans, then it's going to ensure an even higher body count among civilians.

It's smarter to get those people up into space. Presumably, with the Vagans now attacking Earth directly, colonies are no longer real targets for the Vagans, especially those that aren't as close to the Earth itself. As such it's presumably safer for Earth citizens to gather there instead.
A colony's a city IN SPACE. Whatever logistic problem you've got on Earth, it is much, much worse. Food and water's an obvious one. Air isn't even one on Earth, but in space, it's a huge one. And transport: instead of a few trucks, you need god knows how many spaceships. Remember when they said they had to "make a diversion" so Diva could take off? So what, Vagans suddenly became nice about civilian transport?

As for the children's continued presence aboard the Diva, very likely it's that at the time the military was in complete disarray and by then could not safely evacuate the children. Now that the Diva's in space, they can simply drop off the children so they can be evacuated properly when they make a stop at the Luna base. Not ideal but they're kind of stuck with it.
There is no way the only refugee camps are in space. There shouldn't be any up there in the first place. Just drop the kids with other war orphans and sort them out later. I'm sure they have clerks for that sort of things, instead of freaking warship crews.
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