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Old 2012-06-04, 11:06   Link #200
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Originally Posted by Zuul View Post
I don't dislike the troll. In fact I love it. It's a master troll.

What I don't like is the bad romance between the main characters.
Draging their relationship for no good reason. Showing Zessica caring while Mikono is not. Amata moping over trivial stuff instead of taking action. Most of their interaction had been about Mikono being pissed off and Amata making excuses for things he isn't responsible of. basically bad interactions and no development. How am I supposed to root for that ?
That's pretty close to my own take.

The troll is pretty hilarious, at least for those of us who weren't particularly invested in the previous Aquarion shows. The troll was also presented in a way that makes pretty good sense. Never underestimate Aquarion EVOL's ability to make the utterly silly seem actually acceptable.

But... the troll does absolutely nothing to fix the increasingly weak romance and romance drama of this anime. I was hoping that the dog spoiler would help fix this, but nope, it doesn't.

Zessica is basically a living, walking, multipurpose plot device that doubles as a Tragic Character on Steroids. I don't think I've ever seen an anime character abused more in all my life. At least a lot of other notable tragic anime characters had some sort of point to their tragedy. I don't see any point in what Zessica is being put through, other than sheer writer convenience.

Now, the romance issues aside, this show has simply superb execution. It's very good at masking its weaknesses with great theatrics, cool BGM, and lovely visuals, while I watch it. This truly was a great episode for Shrade, while Fudo and Mykage were as entertaining as ever.

But the main pairing hasn't been compelling in ages. Indeed, their dialogue has basically reached self-parody levels.

Aquarion EVOL is basically Insanity Hot Wings: The Anime.

Really spicey, and it's like there's a party in your mouth as you eat it, but it can leave a very nasty aftertaste.

8/10 for Episode 23 of Insanity Hot Wings: The Anime
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