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Old 2012-06-04, 11:34   Link #1001
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 30
Originally Posted by demonkevy666 View Post
Tears of blood comes to mind for me.
but I forget what that means :/

to be fair the second to last picture(in the spoiler) makes me thing it was accident of some sort.

either way I know there ain't no happy ending she's already dead. :'(
Well, there have been a few odd cases where people actually cried tears of blood. Jesus also supposedly cried blood.

I believe 血泪 means 'tears of blood' in Chinese, which is also a symbol for extreme suffering.

The page TV Tropes has on this subject is quite interesting:

Flavour one is designed to freak them out, and is usually a sign that the person has been infected by some horrible virus, or is being killed by weird supernatural means. Eye trauma is one of the easiest ways to gross people out, and this method has the added advantage that the person can be "cured" without having lost their vision permanently. Alternatively, it signifies that the "weeping" person is in some way inhuman - or at the very least a candidate for super villainy and somewhat demonic entities and characters.

Flavour two, meanwhile, is used to signify someone's death in a poetic and possibly even "beautiful" way, especially if the character is a tragic villain. This is far less common, and the aim is not necessarily to freak out the audience but to add a layer of sadness to a death scene. Mopey vampires are particularly fond of this flavour. The undercurrent to this kind of bloody tears is that the person doing the crying is in some fundamental way (be it biologically or emotionally) incapable of doing so through normal means- but is so overcome with emotion that they are doing so anyway.
I still think it was an artistic flair. But eh, due to how her eyes were bandaged, I suppose she may've been stabbed in the eyes, and hence the blood.

So? There's still hope that the series will have a happy ending. I loathe tragedy that separates lovers with every fiber of my being, so it's quite natural for me to want a good ending. It is fiction, after all; and anything is possible in fiction. Without spoiling anything, I'll just say I was very surprised by the ending of one anime, because I had come to accept the fact there was no way it could happen. But it happened regardless.

Originally Posted by Randrak42 View Post
I believe I worded it wrongly. I meant to say that if one were to call Shadow Yuuko evil or bitch then Light Yuuko is just as much so. But thinking about it, the word that suits Light Yuuko best when it comes to Shadow Yuuko is selfish.
Ah, right. And yep, I agree wholeheartedly.
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