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Old 2012-06-05, 10:19   Link #29050
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Yesterday!
Think I realized something...
The target of the stories, as in the intended reader, was probably always Ange.
If I think of arc 1-2 alone from truly an author theory pov, then I have to think the main character exists to appeal to the target reader. Be someone they can be sympathetic to, that they want to see "win". It wouldn't work if the target was himself Battler, as he wouldn't be sympathetic to a "fictional himself", rather would probably constantly think about how much "that isn't him" (especially since the alleged writer hasn't seen him in six years).

So the most obvious person that comes out as the intended reader, simply from having Battler as the main character, is Ange. However if that's not enough, just think about who the stories are credited to : Maria. That always seemed like an incomplete "bit", but it seems to make full sense that way. Battler as main character and Maria as the one credited with writing the stories is a way to ensure Ange reads them and is sympathetic to the main character.

I haven't really pushed this further, as exploring beyond that is pretty chaotic. Feel free to disregard this idea if it doesn't interest you.

Example of what it could, however, explain, is why the truth was never given to us.
If it was, young Ange would've learned it, but she wasn't mature enough to deal with it.
Only when she's mature enough to understand the truth does she stands a chance at reaching it.
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