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Old 2012-06-08, 22:51   Link #1828
Team Rocket Elite
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Nothing too crazy seemed to happen this round. Yui-nyan had quite a good performance against Kanon while Yuri did well against Kobato. I never really noticed it until now but since Yui and Yuri have been improving through Amethyst, the top 5 of Nova is drifting away from the rest of the pack. Yuri looks to be slightly behind Yui in 5th place and she had a easy win over Kobato who is roughly tied with Sena for 6th place. Since Kuroneko is falling at least we have a three way competition for 3rd place. However, Kuroneko, Yui and Yuri are all looking weaker than the top 8 of Stella. If Eucliwood's new power starts to fade now than Kore wa Zombie season 2 is over, the Nova division is going to be relying solely on Kanade in the combined playoffs. Fortunately, Kanade is more than up to the task of carrying the entire division. I didn't quite expect the result of the Kurisu/Rebecca and Kotomi/Teletha match. Looking back I was probably underestimating how much of a dead weight Rebecca was for her team since Tessa actually have some strength. It was too much to expect Kurisu to be able to overcome that handicap against Kotomi. In a straight 1 on 1 match, I think I would side with Kurisu over Kotomi by just a bit.
A miracle that you believe in when you know it won't happen......... is hope.
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