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Old 2012-06-09, 15:55   Link #162
The Lost Lamb
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: in Darkness
okay so many people may consider immortality as curse, because of the pain it can cause by the death of your loved ones and you live on, you cannot have a family, you don't die, you cannot be with people around you for a long time and many other things

But sometimes immortality can also work as gift, i mean there is so much to do in this big world, there is so much to learn, so many experiences to come, so many places to see, you can even see the evoulution of things that can take place between centuries and for all these things one life time is not enough
But still all these experiences can become meaningless if you don't have anyone to share it with

Well for me immortality should be there only if it keeps you in your youth, because i certainly don't want to go on living becoming old and old , sitting on a wheel chair and doing nothing and for me immortaliry only means no natural death
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