Thread: Licensed Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
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Old 2012-06-10, 10:12   Link #1235
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Originally Posted by ReddyRedWolf View Post
Actually this episode confirm that the Scub Coral do not appear out of nowhere. They need Quartz to serve as beacon to enter this universe.

Which means somebody has been planting Quartz for Scub arrival. It wouldn't surprise me if there are humanoid Coralians in the background like Gonzy.

If quartz do serve as beacon it would be also why Secret are homing in.

So far Secrets have been acting as antibodies against foreign intruders. Destroying the Scub in a big nuclear explosion.

We saw what happened to Tokyo.

I have a feeling the Coralians are working with Generation Bleu to minimize the collateral damage.
I didn't think of them as beacons, because if that were so wouldn't it be wiser to dig from the side of the coral and retrieve the quartz, than have to go vertically down an entire mountain's height to get them?

Also, the 3 stooges surmised that the quartz were being collected and hidden inside GenBleu, implying that whoever's planting them isn't working with GB. If there's someone planting them.

My understanding was that the Quartz was central to the coral's metabolism ("The Scub coral has begun producing harmful particles"), and removing that calms it down. Its not the power source, as the coral itself is producing trapar that is being mined. Maybe its some kind of coordination node for the entire coral, and removing it just puts the whole structure into standby. At least that was my theory.


I'd prefer to see the Scub Coral as Tiberium. Someone is dropping those things from another plane, and its terraforming the planet slowly. Extracting the Quartz stops them from rapidly growing and doing so, creating a vibrant economy for the planet.

I swear, someday, the President's going to bait someone into dropping a nuke on (an already evacuated) GenBleu HQ, igniting all of the stored Quartz at once, and sending a gigantic plume of energy into deep space. This serves as the cue to invite the full and complete invasion arrival of the Scub Coral.

Truth is the immortal prophet who will shed light on this scheme!
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