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Old 2012-06-13, 09:12   Link #20
Optimus Prime
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Japan/Canada
Age: 39
What the hell... Byakuya your fail in logic is just o.O

So you prove you can cut them with your shikai and draw blood. Great!

Then, knowing they have the ability to steal bankais, decide to voluntarily offer yours up just to see how they do it. What the...?

You sir, are an idiot. Wouldn't the logical move have been to have RENJI (oh you useless b*stard...) offer up HIS bankai and then use your ultimately superior one as the back up?

The other 3 Captains I don't even want to mention. They only needed one Captain to go off on that fool hardy mission. No reason all four of them needed to do it.
(This magnificent sig. is courtesy of the talented Kuroda )
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