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Old 2012-06-17, 15:27   Link #9562
Tenchi Hou Take
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by summers View Post
Someone should post all these sale numbers and polls that folks keep talking about. Is Zen even that popular?
Someone can go search them up but Medaka box sold 100,000 copies in the first week for it's last volume basically end of the Aijimu arc where it's ratings were pretty terrible and lower than they are now. for comparison most of Shouen main stay mid tiers e.g Kuroko no basket etc sold between that and 150,000 (Kuroko was around 120,000) typically only the big guns e.g hitman reborn and HxH etc sold 200,000+. Magico for comparison in the opposite direction sold 30k.

A 100k manga isn't exactly something you just up and cancel otherwise a large proportion of the publishers revenue would go just like that. So for the most part it's pretty much safe. It would for it to fall massively from there (when the ratings imply the opposite) for the manga to get cancelled.

Edit: Just realised Westlo is completely full of crap the manga's actually doing great ranking wise in Zenkichi box and actually has moment, it's only at the top of the bottom 5 one week and now it's getting more regularily ranked in the middle. So fuck yeah Zenkichi box it's doing well. Aijimu's arc did badly because honestly it was pretty crap. Aside from the fanservice treasure arc, not much happened in second arc and the lack of straight battles clearly harmed it when it was trying to be more serious. I didn't really notice how well Zenkichi box was doing until now, thanks Westlo.

Last edited by Tenchi Hou Take; 2012-06-17 at 15:49.
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