Thread: Nanoha - Q&A
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Old 2012-06-21, 14:37   Link #4085
Join Date: Jun 2012
Age: 34
Nowhere near as powerful as Exelion Buster, yeah. Definitely wasn't talking about S Rank spells. For example, Vita was able to smash one of Reinforce's barriers without her device suffering damage like we see what happens when she tries to smash the engine of the Cradle. Zest with Full Drive cracked opened Graf Eisen (in its compact gigantform and its the full drive form in StrikerS, it should carry the same durability) with a physical hit.

Two more: Isis blocked Signum's Hiryu Issen but DeVille got her good with just one strike. DeVille isn't physically stronger than the strongest members of Section Six. And Nanoha being able to physically contend with Vivio, despite Vivio being able to break Nanoha's barriers with punches.
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