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Old 2012-06-25, 15:34   Link #49
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Flower View Post
Yes. And part of me wonders if part of the reason for his "sloppiness" might be attributable to the fact that he (at least in my opinion) was manipulated for a functional end rather than "mentored" with the benefit of his growth and maturity as the primary objective?

I guess this "sloppiness" was a contributing reason to my uneasiness with Irisu-senpai's actions....
Unfortunately it seems you just missed my edit.

To be honest though, I don't think Irisu manipulated him to such an extent because she did then it would've required a massive gamble. How could she be so sure that her pep talk with Oreki would lead to his sloppiness? I can't even be sure if the confidence boost did lead to his sloppiness. It could've easily been an simple mistake anyway.

The other thing is that Irisu has no motive. What did Oreki ever do to Irisu? Why would Irisu go to the trouble of getting an entire club (most of which we know wouldn't know about the deception) to create half a film just so she can screw with a complete stranger who she heard was good at mysteries? Jealous of his talent? Would anyone really go that far?

My first thought was that the rope was related to some kind of actual suicide connected to the author. After all, we don't really know why the writer is ill, and it would explain why Oreki never considered the rope (because he was thinking from the film's perspective and didn't consider the outside). It's a bit of a stretch though.
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