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Old 2012-06-27, 20:44   Link #929
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Join Date: May 2007
Originally Posted by Candyshark View Post

Yozora stuck in the past? Well her feeling went from I want to meet my best friend to I love this guy. And what about Kodaka when did he give a single thought about Yozora actions. He doesn't even know where he stands with her.

Out of all characters I rather see next volume focus on Kodaka and his measures not to let things hang into the air like most of the harem leads do.

P.S. on the matter of Death Flags being childhood friend is HUGE Death Flag.

The problem with harem is, it is a narrow representation of real-world personalities. In the real world, male chase females. It's about the thrill of the chase and courtship. In harem, females throw themselves at the male, and the process becomes like a multiple choice - A is a childhood friend B has blue eyes C is blah blah. There's little representation of what the male character's preferences, likes etc because he's supposed to be mostly a placeholder. It is little wonder then your standard harem female 'taking the initiative' gets the spotlight because there's 0 chance a male lead is actually going to make a move on someone unsuspecting.

Kodaka has no problems with trust - he's quite trusting and in fact needy for friendship. If an average classmate offers him friendship now he'd probably cry. By setting he's just the unfortunate victim of circumstances. However whenever it comes to romance he'll just shutshop and run, and that's partly his personality as observed in vol 7 and partly the burden of a harem lead.
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