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Old 2012-06-28, 11:11   Link #906
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Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
that was surprising
Not really.
Roberts is a Neo-Con, and the mandate was something they've wanted for a long time.
Through a mandated healthcare system the Neo-Cons can (in the future) dictate how you live your life.
You know, do things like declare homosexuality a health hazard and make you pay a penalty for "high-risk" behavior.
Same with promiscuity, or smoking, being over weight, extra-marital sex, or tatooing, or piercing or whatever a Neo-Con controlled government wants to do, and now they have the power to do it.
The mandate is a social-engineer's wet dream.

This is why the law needed to actually be a tax, not a mandate.
Had it been a tax for a health care system that supports the poor instead of a "royal-degree" from the Imperial government to buy a product, it would not be so dangerous.
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