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Old 2012-07-05, 10:17   Link #70
Join Date: Jan 2012
The way I interpret it is the might 2 different meanings about the "third power".the first is like sasuke mentioned...the clan(both uchiha and senju)being the first power.secondly the village which is the alliance formed between the 2 clans and the formation of konoha being the 2nd power and lastly being a shin obi(an individual) is what is the 3rd this might actually mean it's a decision sass has to make(is he gonna fight for is clan,his village or for himself....or something interesting that iThought of....

The bloodlines of the so6p
The uchiha and senju originated from the sage am I right?
I'm not which brother the elder or younger posess whichever bloodlines(the uchiha and senju being the 1st and 2nd power according to their age)so maybe there was a third bloodline that has yet to be revealed and that is what sasu is abt o find out?
so in summary maybe the so6p might have had a 3rd son?
Just something I was thinking of.

Last edited by prakash123; 2012-07-05 at 10:50.
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