Thread: Licensed Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean
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Old 2012-07-14, 23:07   Link #1681
Join Date: Jan 2007
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
If you think the first few episodes were akin to "starving" then that's your opinion, not some inherent truth. There are plenty of people that have enjoyed the first few episodes and think they're great in their own right. I don't have any problem with a show spending it's first few episodes focusing on the characters. It was the same with the previous series so I don't see why it can't be the same now. And plenty of people have also acknowledged that the show's link with the previous series was being built up as a mystery. It's fine if you have a problem with that as a concept but it has nothing to do with uneven directing.
Certainly it is of my opinion, but I know there are also plenty of people that feel the same way I do. And while I respectfully agree with your opinion and how you and others can carry an intelligent discussion about it, I can't say the same about a certain someone else.

That said, I've watched many anime and manga series, and there are ways to keep things interesting without letting the cat out of the bag (see "Monster", "Pluto", "20th Century Boys"). In fact, many series do hide a mystery or two only to reveal it in the second half ("Trigun"). I think the fact is, up until now Eureka 7 AO isn't doing a good job about it and is only riding the coattails of the original series to keep its viewers. Similar to what people have said about Last Exile Season 2 (which I can agree with).

Also, what helped to keep the original series interesting even if you didn't have main plot points revealed was the surfing and electronic music themed environment/atmosphere holding things together. There was a certain style unique to the original series that is almost non-existent in this series. There is just none of that in AO except for the episode titles in honor of song titles and the similarity in OP and ED artists.
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