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Old 2012-07-15, 03:19   Link #219
User of the "Fast Draw"
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Originally Posted by OceanBlue View Post
From all of the reactions, I was expecting an awful episode, but it wasn't that bad at all . It wasn't as amazing as the first episode but it was definitely entertaining. Maybe it's because I'm an anime-only watcher .

The potion thing was a bit dumb, but other than that I didn't really see a big issue. SAO is still among the top of the anime that I'll look forward to every week.
Yeah, kind of weird coming out of that episode pretty satisfied to find the reactions here . I thought it did a fine job following up on the first episode and starting to show how the people in that world are adapting to their situation. Some seem to be hiding in the first town afraid to take action and some are charging on ahead, though clearly with more caution than they would in a normal game.

I didn't expect the Beta testers to get so much hate. Figured that most would be focusing their anger at the guy who has trapped them in this death game. Though maybe I shouldn't be too surprised since hating on people who they can see is easier than someone they can't reach.

Kirito really did a good job playing the villain there. Just had to enjoy him shutting up Kibaou. God that idiot really annoyed me in this one. Pretty much forced Kirito to act like that so the hate would shift from Beta Testers in general towards him. Though of course Kirito knows that doing this is going to be hurting his chances to survive since (presumably) few are going to be eager to team up with a Beater. Doing a good thing for others just added to his personal suffering. In a sense he probably just told the truth with a negative attitude. Like he told Klein he made it up a few several floors so he certainly would have seen different enemy types and have greater experience than the average beta player. Just taking in all that hatred so people can focus on what really matters which is cooperating in order to get out of the game alive.

Definitely curious about Asuna's character. While I could understand some preferring to take action than sitting and losing themselves, seems to be more to it with her. Preferring to die in a fight than hanging around in that first town. Definitely has plenty of skill despite the fact that she doesn't apparently know much about these games.

I thought the fight was alright. Didn't even think much of the still shots since when Kirito and Asuna were in the action they stole the show.

Have to say this series will be interesting to watch. Just think the idea of real death along side health bars and in an MMO environment will be interesting. Can literally see someone's life draining away in this series.

Anyways I thought it was a solid episode.
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