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Old 2012-07-19, 05:38   Link #74
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Age: 33
I think the reason Tobi started this war is because he wanted the five countries to be united....
which means Tobi is a Good guy,,
remember, Zetsu said that Tobi is a Good Boy!!!

Originally Posted by ronin myael View Post
why kakashi gained mangekyou or if indeed he did since some fans seem to think kakashi's "mangekyou" is merely an upgraded sharingan. that should have been explained years ago but he seems to have forgotten that little piece of detail. that's just one of the many unanswered questions, inconsistencies or what others call asspulls in narutoverse. if he does answer them later, i hope he could justify why he had to wait all the way to the end of the manga to answer them.
If (Tobi == Obito)
Tobi gained the mangekyou, since Tobi's eyes and kakashi's eyes are a pair, Kakashi also gained the Mangekyou

tobi might have been a ninja who was quite known in konoha only he wasn't introduced in the series yet. he wears the mask because he doesn't want anyone to recognize him. he might even be madara's disciple. he could have been kakashi and gai's former teacher. he could be one of the anbu who worked with them before. he could have been one of the jounin who was kakashi's superior, perhaps someone who worked closely with minato that's why he seemed to know minato as well. he could have been anybody. just because we haven't met the character yet, doesn't mean the rest of konoha hasn't either.
I dont think so, there are some pages in the manga where TObi removes his mask but Kishimoto still dont show his face, what's the reason?
I think its stupid to hide tobi's face to the readers if he is someone we dont know.

I am 99% sure that TObi is already someone we know, i do think he is using Obito's body though
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