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Old 2012-07-19, 07:14   Link #509
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Normandy SR-2
Age: 29
I thought the whole death threats thing was kind of funny, too, actually. Talk about overreactions. Isn't it good enough if you enjoyed the movie? But a lot of those reviews were pretty annoying - so many unnecessary and unfair Ledger-Hardy comparisons >.>

On another note, I just saw it today. I won't spoil anything without the tags, haha. I'll just say that initially, I was pretty blown away and it gave me massive adrenalin rushes combined with some sobbing, gaping and nail-biting. BUT, if you stop to think about some of the plot points and happenings you start realizing that some parts don't really make sense/were bad writing decisions/just didn't work. Still, I loved it. Hathaway was good, I liked Bane, Bruce was great (I was happy it focused even more on him than TDK), the action was meaty, etc. It was an awesome experience, and I'm excited to discuss it more once everyone sees it

Spoiler for questions/thoughts/gripe about the ending, other thoughts, etc. spoilers:

Last edited by Haladflire65; 2012-07-19 at 07:49.
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