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Old 2012-07-25, 07:32   Link #17
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Philippines
Age: 36
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In general, guns has one purpose, that is to kill. Yes, you protect yourself when you have a gun. But having a gun requires a high responsibility.

How many times have I heard and watched on TV, child killed his playmate with a gun, son killed his parents with a gun, guy killed girlfriend with a gun, funny that the shooter either owns the gun or he's parents do.

Guns are for law enforcers to use and not civilians.

Guns mentally has a hidden effects to its user, the feeling of having power and superiority. They scare people they have grudge with, with a gun... they either just point or just pull the trigger, "who cares, no one's here except us?"

The lack of security causes these people to arm themselves or that what they insist. Guns should be banned if necessary to protect ourselves and our family not only from the criminals but from ourselves... when we go out of our mind that is...
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