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Old 2012-07-27, 08:38   Link #32
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Join Date: Sep 2007
mmm my question was more simpler than these 2 last pages.

Anyway, my problem with Yui is that, even though she has real battle experience (like seeing all her friends dying, eated, etc etc... cause thats seems what in muvluv alt. universe is called battle experience) is that she tries to force "her" ideas to Yuuya, why? i dont have a clue. Because he is Japanese? because he has a moderate talent (nothing great so far in that dept) at piloting? She treats the excersices as games and I do wonder what the hell is she doing there then, instead of being with her OP takemizuchi in the front lines... makes no sense and piss me off. The obvious answer is that she is following orders... but still, kind of incoherent in my eyes, and all her claims are not backed up by real skill... maybe in ep 5 that will change, but still, these 4 chapters left me scratching my head with her, and so far, I dont like her.

Yuuya on the other part has his identity problem, which I am guessing is part of the plot to be resolved. Maybe I would have liked more a colder character, like someone that shield himself of that by being indiferent. Anyway, I hope it gets more interesting from now on.

The whole mecha disccusion does not back up the dialogues between the chars, is secondary. Yuuya`s opinion on the jap mech is merely a dialogue device and I doubt it will have a real impact on anything at all.
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