Thread: Crunchyroll Hunter X Hunter Anime (2011)
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Old 2012-07-29, 14:23   Link #1594
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Uvo is awesome. Just... yes, awesome. Different voice, but Broskandar fits Uvo like a glove.
Indeed. Uvo is basically an evil Rider, so Akio Ohtsuka is a perfect fit. As for the rest (based on what little lines we got)...

- Chrollo: Another great fit. The only nitpick I've got is that Mamoru Miyano is a rather overexposed VA, which for me slightly reduces the mystique surrounding the character. But leaving that aside (which he can't help), he's definitely the man for the job and I look forward to his future lines.
- Feitan: An improvement over his voice in the original anime, which, while unique and relatively charming, ended up misguidedly turning Feitan into a trap of sorts. Plus, it's great to hear Kappei Yamaguchi use a voice similar to his creepy L voice once again (probably an unpopular opinion but I gotta say I don't care much for the more normal (for lack of a better word) voice he uses for Usopp and whatnot).
- Nobunaga: Not bad, but I think his original voice fit his character and appearance better, which is kind of annoying since that VA played the guy whose heart Killua ripped out in this version. Could've had him reprise Nobunaga while they were at it, but oh well, the new guy is still a serviceable replacement.
- Franklin: The only one I downright disliked. Calmer and more nonchalant Franklin in the original sounded much better IMO and closer to how I imagined him in the manga.
- Shalnark: Heard lots of complaints, but I'm not sure what the problem is. He's an amiable and cheerful kid... and sounds like one. Plus, hearing Noriko Hidaka in this day and age is an awesome privilege.

The rest we didn't hear as much from (except Machi, whom we'd already heard narrate half an episode), but sounded all right.

I had mixed feelings about their scenes though. The first one was pure filler and honestly felt kind of dry and pointless to me. They already did this with Kurapica's team, in that they came up with filler introductions for them, which resulted in them being essentially introduced twice (first the filler one, then the canon one). I can't really appreciate such senseless padding.

The other scenes were much better though, since, what do you know, Togashi's a better writer than the anime staff. Well, there was still a little anime original material in having Hisoka arrive late, but it worked well enough. And it was rather amusing in that they went for the exact opposite of the original anime, which had Hisoka be the first one to arrive (in case you're wondering the manga didn't specify). I'd say this version's liberty made more sense though considering Hisoka's character.

I felt the music placement could've been better though. The church-like tune felt a little overstated and lacking in subtlety to me. The original anime usually went for this cool and relaxed unofficial Phantom Troupe theme in their scenes, which to me fit their image better - they're kind of like the Turks in FFVII, boasting perpetually cool attitudes and possessing great banter between them. But anyway we'll see how they're handled from now on. Hopefully well, since they're my absolute favorite villainous group in shounen manga.
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