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Old 2012-07-29, 16:32   Link #1274
He Without a Title
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The land of tempura
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Frankly I thought AnoNatsu looked way better than this.

Nn, no, no they don't. Some characters look fine, sure, but others have been genericized to hell and back.
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UOU, When you put them side by side it really shows some of the problems. For one the eyes have been toned down quite a lot (and while the game ones were huge I kind of like them). I was going to list them one by one but most have actually turned very generic indeed that it's hard to pick one.

I'll just note that I'm not claiming that the Key designs are anything spectacular but when you redesign them and end up with the chins even MORE triangular than you started with you have to expect a few critiques.
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