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Old 2012-07-30, 15:12   Link #222
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
Originally Posted by supermegasonic View Post
so we get introduced to an imouto character who obviously likes the MC. her pet dies, and kirito uses this opportunity as an excuse to take down a guild.

at this point i was thinking this is when their gonna start making a group, with all the ppl in the OP, or atleast a bunch of them. guess im wrong for now. though it was kinda funny how all of them were attacking him and he was just standing around like a bad@$$.
lvl 78?? he really is a levelholic, lol.
wonder how that other girl is doing, it doesnt seem like she's gonna appearing soon, since someone ppl are saying it will take a few more episodes until the real story starts.

one thing i totally just realized. what would happen if their was some sort of power outage or blackout??
Hospital's have backup generators and i assume the servers do as well. Now if it was country wide event which knocks out not just the electric grid but the internet as well...then RIP.
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