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Old 2012-08-10, 20:12   Link #19
Join Date: May 2012
Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
Did this feel like a vacation or what?

After the whiny stupidity and rage-inducing putzing around of the last episodes, having a full episode centered around KYH felt like a wonderful change of pace. Yes, low on drama, but I didn't mind that at all.

It also underscores why for me, KYH is probably the anime character whose personality I feel the biggest affinity to. Smart without conceit, kind yet combative, perceptive, controlled yet easily provoked... a very mysterious and remarkably _adult_ personality that is very interesting to follow. She not only displays a high degree of clear-eyed self-reflection: How she immediately picked up on her Megumi blunder, and how nicely and genuinely she defused the landmine she stepped on is so different from the consistent stupidity that Haru, Taku and Chiyu exhibit. Can we have more of KYH please?

Oh, naturally I'm not swayed by her exterior. No, sir, not at all... *whistles innocently*

More characters like her, please!
Heh... I also think that Taku + Haru + Chiyu are a bit too whiny/angsty at times. KYH is a breath of fresh air tbqh. A 50% split of screentime between KYH and Haru, both playing 'main' characters if you know what I mean, would have made this show so much better.
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