Thread: Dating
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Old 2012-08-15, 09:03   Link #10635
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: The Abyss
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post
Shrug. I'm a few months older than my wife; when we married I was 24 and she was at the end of being 23. We had been together for 3-4 years before that point. While I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to go through my mid-20's with no truly committed relationship, I know myself well enough to know that I wouldn't have enjoyed it or "made use of it." We're both working toward the same, demanding career, and it's been wonderful to be able to learn from and support each other as we go through it. When it comes down to it, she's as perfect for me as I could realistically expect from anyone. I cherish the time I have with her, and look forward to going through the rest of my life with her. It's why I proposed to her in the first place.

Don't set superficial targets for things like getting married. I never thought that I would get married in my early 20's; I always figured it would be the late 20's or early 30's. But then, I never counted on meeting such a wonderful woman at that stage of my life. We dated for a few years before I proposed to her, so it's not the case that I rushed it - you should certainly take your time to evaluate the person, and consider the marriage potential. But if you've found the right person, even if it's earlier (or later) than you were planning, then why not? Life never goes according to plan anyway

Exciting news - congratulations!
That's so beautiful. I believe the same really. If I found someone who adored me as much as I him then I would not let him go. My favourite auntie who is such a sweet lady and I sometimes spend some summers with her is a role model of what not to do. She told me about the guy she was dating when they were both 21. They mutually split because they were too young to marry but she really loved him. Now she regrets it with everything because the one she went on to marry in the end left her with 2 small kids and went off with another one. Her kids are my age now but she never dated anyone again. I would never want to settle for second best like she did. ^.^
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